Have, God was a man, 50-years of age, he could spines, He was my back, he acted, He broke a little, he stretched, he strechade my legs and back…He said I was strong…..We will meet again on Wednesday. God and I…på onsdag igen
Daily Archives: 30 July 2012
The training is only walking…
,,,the förba,,,, back. Got time this afternoon at chiropractor. We'll see if that helps. Must have gone knife that fits like a glove in lendryggen,,,it must go or I'll “bleed to death”.
We'll see how good he is, the man who talks with spines.
Be Careful out There!
And, it really is today? in supermåndag? That is a new day, a new week ahead of a grabbing.
Feels really good. Now 4:e holiday weeks the start of my days have been wild, I must say. Do not know just what day it is and the time is long since been removed from the wrist for the time is not important. It feels really nice to be able to disconnect everything and know that time and space is less important. The important thing this holiday was was just that, disconnect everything from work and everyday life and just enjoy the holiday with family in everyday life has been so very busy that it is rare for us to all get together more than a few hours. The weeks with Wilma has meant a lot to me, she gives me and Eva lots of energy and love and everything feels so much better and easier just by getting to be with her so much more than everyday life allows. Soon, this time away as she slowly but surely growing up….we are her only to “loan” and we intend to take advantage of “the loan” as long as it's there. The teens approached a few years and then things happen (There are some who say)…..that day, the time…now we live in the moment.
No, so this will be on vacation….sleep until you wake up, doing what comes in and what the weather permits and enjoy. I'll try to continue on the next two weeks vacation. Hope you can make the same.
Be Careful Out There!