Norrlänsk obituary…

It was behaving no better than to Alfred from Hebbersliden had died and left his wife Alma.
As usual, it would be advertised in the local newspaper, as Alma called the advertising department to tell what happened.

The following conversation took place:
Soul: “Arne annonsavdelninga?”
The newspaper's advertising staff: “Already, that's right.”
Soul: “- N’ Alfre 'e die.”
Employees: “-Well, and now you want to put a death notice, I understand.”
Soul: “- Tschuu (whistling breathing, Norrland for yes)”
Employees: “- And what do you think it should be in the ad when?”
Soul: “- N’ Alfre 'e die.”
Employees: “- And what do you want us to write more in ad?”
Soul: “- Inge mejr, he fö be expensive if je na write mejr. He e int lönnt the lay out of reach Onoda.”

The newspaper's staff thought for a while and came up with is that it would be difficult to persuade Alma to write something more in ad, so according to what he said:
Employees: “Soul, you get three words for free.” “We will provide them.”

Alma thought for a few seconds and then said:
Soul: “And, that case to see je that he should stand: Snowmobile for Sale!”

Be Careful Out There


To a long lost friend…

…that has recently gone through some very tough times in life and that really brakes my heart because she is special to me and always deserves the very best in life and if I didn’t live some 7 000 miles away I would have been there personally to give her all my love and support through her tough times.

Best of Luck to you “H” and your girls!

From me to you….Remember this one?

Big Dipper with Sport TV woman Hulting

On the way home from Skara Summerland listening on the radio at night and we got in without having the radio crackling up was the radio program Big Dipper. This time it was all about strong feelings and emotion.


It was sports television woman Katarina Hulting who herself has suffered from cancer that was the host for radioshow. Of course it was all about emotion and she wanted to convey (the way I understod anyway)) that there are very strong emotions in sport….but of course also in the individual's daily life. One of the feelings she, Katarina, recounted was when Foppa had lost SM-final against Malmo and was interviewed immediately afterwards.

Foppa lose Championship final against Malmo.

There were many strong phone calls from listeners who suffered from cancer which was tuff but interesting to listen to. How they still felt the joy of living and how they coping in everyday life to fight against this terrible disease. How some were lucky after all….amazing…

I myself found out the other day that a very good friend of mine, from the United States, has suffered from breast cancer a few years ago. She is doing well right now despite the circumstances, or as good as one can feel, which makes me very happy.

A mother called in with a child diagnosed with ADHD. Was it diagnosed when I was little, i.e. ADHD? i do not think so anyway. Here I admire the parents who can do this but you one can probably handle most things as a parent, but surely this can get to any family in the long run. Interesting to listen to, even this story.

A lot of the radiovshow also dealt with Olympic memories because we are in the midst of the Olympics and Katarina is a mischievous reporting. She gave a lot of reflections of recorded interviews of her own memories from the Olympics.

Here is one of my best and strongest memories from a winter Olympics, sentences in Lillehammer 1994 which eventually also became a postage stamp. I was in Lech on winter vacation when this occured.

Be Careful Out There!


Excel pointers again

Ok, Now you can SUMIF then just move on to Excel King the next video cool (if the Excel dig…Thus, when it becomes cool:-) )

The relatively unknown formula SUMPRODUCT allows you to easily summarize by multiple criteria, which is invaluable when you quickly want to extract a specified amount from a larger dataset. The formula is really designed for a purpose (multiplying the values ​​of the matrices) but via an alternative use that will serve the purpose to summarize by multiple criteria in a most extraordinary manner.


And, it really is today? in supermåndag? That is a new day, a new week ahead of a grabbing.

Feels really good. Now 4:e holiday weeks the start of my days have been wild, I must say. Do not know just what day it is and the time is long since been removed from the wrist for the time is not important. It feels really nice to be able to disconnect everything and know that time and space is less important. The important thing this holiday was was just that, disconnect everything from work and everyday life and just enjoy the holiday with family in everyday life has been so very busy that it is rare for us to all get together more than a few hours. The weeks with Wilma has meant a lot to me, she gives me and Eva lots of energy and love and everything feels so much better and easier just by getting to be with her so much more than everyday life allows. Soon, this time away as she slowly but surely growing up….we are her only to “loan” and we intend to take advantage of “the loan” as long as it's there. The teens approached a few years and then things happen (There are some who say)…..that day, the time…now we live in the moment.

No, so this will be on vacation….sleep until you wake up, doing what comes in and what the weather permits and enjoy. I'll try to continue on the next two weeks vacation. Hope you can make the same.

Be Careful Out There!


F1, Kimi Räikkönen, the Iceman

My great F1 idol. I hope so fervently that he will win a race again. Was so close again yesterday with an awesome second place. Would he perform in kvaltet as he makes the second part of the race so he would be superior.

The best thing right now with Kimi is his winner's, His incredibly beautiful setting. Alla andra som kommer på podiet (1-a, 2-A or 3-) are very excited and Jack of joy….but not Kimi. If you look at interviews with Kimi, it is often…on its refractive Findländska…”I am very disappointed to come 2:nd” ” We should have won” “We were not good enough today”. Så Cool, sa Kimi, så Mr Ice Man!

Now it 1 månads uppehåll till nästa F1-race

Be Careful Out There !



Komi mind the dog days are running now that the time from mid July to late August because it tends to be warmest and fuktigast this period.

We do not want to be, that about half a million people are annually, food poisoning. Take care and chill food quickly. The small bacteria love this time to settle on food and ensure that we are sitting on the loo and not feeling well.

Be Careful Out There

