Daily Archives: 15 August 2012
Efficient everyday macros in Excel
More good advice from Exelkungen.
Complicated Excel Macros in all its glory…
… but many of the great efficiencies in simple macros that eliminate repetitive tasks!
Becoming better at Excel has a lot to get better at using Excel more effectively, and perhaps above all to understand WHAT should be streamlined and what precisely your time wasters are.
In many cases, repetitva operations are simplified by using simple macros that you connect to the simple keyboard shortcuts (which furthermore can be performed with only one hand, som t ex CTRL + in).
Below are examples of a few simple “effectiveness macros. For you to be more efficient at your job everyday, you must “examine” yourself and learn which operations are the most time-consuming in your case.
Alternating left / right position
Sub VansterHoger()
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight Then
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End If
End Sub
Paste formats
You copy (CTRL + c) a cell / range of cells with the format you wish to apply to a different cell range. Then select the new field and run the macro.
Sub Paste Formats()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
If you have not started with macros yet?
Then you look at the course sections in Macro School, a number of video tutorials showing how to get started with Macros and VBA in Excel.
Pharmacy apologized :-)
And, when you least expect it, you get unexpected visitors…in the social media world…
A friendly soul responsibility emailed me and apologized for my “experience” as a visitor at the pharmacy.
Eventually “searched” the post to the right person, which in itself was the purpose.
Be Careful Out There