Baguettes with soltorkarkade tomatoes got it today in the afternoon

Well, one is lethargic and sick on the poor, on feeling sorry for himself when….Bake sunkan bit in the afternoon. Today we made sandwiches with sundried tomatoes. Really good and crunchy baugetter became today on sourdough me by Carina. I have this evening purchased some new adjustments “bagarmjöl” also so it will probably be a little baking alternately Now. In the morn perhaps it is surdegsfrallor. I think I decided to try it.

Saw the stone that Per Morberg has come out with a new book that I want yesterday….POTLUCK MATBOK!! 150 tr classic cheeseburger recipe. The book I want… is my passion, potluck thus.

“The traditional Sunday roast will take place again at the dinner table in Per Morbergs new large cookbook, where he shows that hefty Swedish dishes cooked from scratch is something other than brown beans in plastic sausage and cabbage rolls from the freezer.

Get learns miss their favorite recipes. Here crowding established workhorses like meatballs, pork pancakes and marinated salmon with half-forgotten features such as stewed lake, herring rolls and prunes soufflé.

Required accessories remoulade and pickled cucumber is naturally also included in the book are simple and traditionally divided into meat, fisk-, vegetable dishes osv.En prospective home cooking classics!”

Be Careful Out There
Sunkans links

Sums you really right in Excel?

New tipps from Excel King

Certainly use the summation formulas when working with Excel. Right here with to summing columns is perhaps by far valigaste work step in everyday Excel Work; an operation which normally is perceived as simple and safe.

But the article below shows some considerable risks that can occur when you add up Filtered columns.
SUBTOTAL / SUB – Summary of filtered lists in Excel
Summarizes always right given Excelfilens future use?

The risk is great that you (or colleague) in the future will turn on the filter function in a certain Excelbok. Then you can no longer assume that the summations in Excel match anymore. A column that has a sum formula at the bottom, and then filtered will still show the total for all lines, whether they appear or not (that has been filtered).

The trick is in understanding the difference between the following two formulas:

  • SUM (SUMMA) – the usual formula for summing
  • SUBTOTAL (SUBTOTAL) – the more “filtervänliga” Formula for summing

Simply put, you must use SUBTOTAL (SUBTOTAL) when sums the columns filtered. In all other cases, the usual SUM (SUMMA) excellent. In a non-filtered list gives formulas same outcome.

I describe the problem (and the solution) with a simple video examples on the following page on

SUBTOTAL / SUB – Summary of filtered lists in Excel


SHIFT + SPACE – select an entire row (the current row that you are).

Read more about keyboard shortcuts in Excel: