Buying löpardojor Wilma for bare ground training with Järfälla Alpina

Today it would be traded in löpardojor Wilma ink little beauty running wear for the start of bare ground training with Järfälla Alpina. Running clothing, we got hold of but dojorna (see picture below) was tji with. La away a pair of Stinsen mall so it will be a trip there in the morn when.

Right now E W on Skälby market in the mud. Refusing to join there. Been there, done that for many times to go there for a perpetual rain.
They will certainly home with smth … and, what do you call it? … marknadsluringar, ie ski… purchased only for its own sake. Close, what neggo I was there, not good. There was some funny stuff we will surely benefit from. Wilmis did get hold of a good cover for the mob that be good.

Be Extra Careful Out There Today!

Excel, solution to the dynamic radnumreringar…I often use in my work

Here's a supertipps of dynamic line numbering.
How often have you not a column with row numbers and then to remove a line or add a line and then the line numbering destroyed and one must “donation of” entire table.

Here's a damn good tips to fix this:

So when you want to display a long list that you delete or add rows on , using the formula:
=ROW()-n (where n is the number of lines before the first row of the list,)
So, t.ex, if you have a list of names in column B, starting in cell B5 and you want line numbers in column A, it should be following =ROW()-4 In cell A5, and then copy the formula down the entire column A to the bottom of your list. So every fomel in column A will be =ROW()-4. ROW()-Part of the formula retunerar row number of the cell in which the formula . Since the number of lines before the first line is subtracted.

For example,: formula in cell A5 is = ROW()-4. ROW() returns 5 (IU. wheel 5) and subtraherar 4 gives 1 for your sequence numbers.
Once you delete a row in your data row numbers automatically adjusted throughout the table. When you add a row, all the row numbers automatically adjust when you have copied the formula from the cell above the new row.

There is a “plump” in this solution, however,.
If rows are deleted or that it adds to a series of (wheel 1 to 3 of this example) you will get the wrong values ​​in the row numbers. Here is the solution.

1) Choose a celll directly above the first row of your data (A4 in this example).

2) Give a name to the cell by typing a name in the Name box (IU. top) (the white bar immediately above cell A1)

3) No, use the same formula as above, replace 4 mot R0W(top).

Your new formula will now be: =ROW()-ROW(top)