What a day skööön

DIF took the first win of the season
AIK lost
Invest Vann (v Bromsten)
Henke held Mollan and force the match No 7
Detroit won against the Anaheim Mighty Ducks with Zäta in great shape
Middag HOS syrran
Brev for Wallenberg, mingel with Prince Daniel
Alonso won and Kimi was 2:a
Zlatan league champions with PSG

Fell asleep with a smile on his face yesterday

Sanktan, Invested FF vs Lidingö 5 – 3

It was one of the best games I've seen girls play. Lidingö was tough and very good. However, it is fun to see where everyone is fighting like they do and really give everything all the time. Wilma had the privilege to hang two tubs today thanks to good play from employee. Anna fought on the case and did a lot of good fixes and long, high kicks. Marking also special training on Mondays, the Bart fruit because it is trained on takedowns where. Important in the matches that you read balls right which I think many have begun to do.

Anyway, it is good to see that the girls think it's funny, they may be absent, lots of exercise and learn to “work” group.

Be Careful Out There!