Pasta med Saffran och Pancetta


  • 400 gram pennepasta
  • 1 paket saffran (0,5 gram)
  • 200 gram pancetta
  • Ett knippe sparris
  • 1-2 vitlöksklyftor
  • 2 schalottenlökar
  • Färsk persilja
  • Citron
  • Olivolja
  • Smör
  • 1,5 dl vitt vin (gärna samma som dricks till maten)
  • 2,5 dl grädde
  • Pecorino

Gör så här:

  • Skär pancettan i småbitar och lägg i en kall stekpanna på spisen – sätt på plattan.
  • Finhacka schalottenlök och vitlök.
  • Skär sparrisen i 1 cm långa bitar
  • Riv pecorinon på den sidan av rivjärnet som ”ploppar ut
  • Lägg i schalottenlöken och lite olivolja i pannan när pancettan fått fin färg .
  • Lägg i en klick smör tillsammans med vitlöken när löken börjat bli transparent, rör runt.
  • Ha i vinet och sedan sparrisen.
  • Späd saffran i lite vatten i en mugg och häll ner blandningen i stekpannan.
  • Tillsätt grädde och koka upp. Sänk sedan värmen, pressa i lite citronsaft och låt såsen puttra.
  • Koka upp rikligt saltat pastavatten och lägg i pastan. Koka ett par minuter kortare än vad det står på paketet.
  • Spara en mugg med pastavatten innan du häller av vattnet.
  • Tillsätt lite pasta i stekpannan i taget – se till att du inte använder för mycket pasta till för lite sås.
  • Avvakta hellre och späd successivt med pastavattnet.
  • Servera i en halvdjup tallrik och toppa med pecorino.

Bon Apetit!



  • Sockerlag på 5dl vatten och 5 dl socker
  • 3 dl orostad kakao
  • En mörk chokladkaka utan fett (70% kakao)
  • 1 ½ dl glukossirap
  • Flingsalt
  • Olivolja

Gör så här:

  1. Koka upp vatten till socker till en sockerlag.
  2. Dra av från värmen och lägg i choklad och kakao och låt det svalna.
  3. Kör chokladsmaken till en sorbet.
  4. Servera glassen med lite flingsalt och lite olivolja

Baguette Fantastic

Sandwich Baguettes – (75% hydration)

  • 5 g instant yeast
  • 375 g water (~40 C)
  • 500 g all-purpose or bread flour
  • 10 g salt

Mix the Dough – 8:00 to 8:25 AM

  • Add the yeast to the warm water along with a spoonful of the flour. Stir until dissolved. Let stand for 5 minutes until a light foam surfaces and little bubbles are visible.
    • Note: Proofing is done to test the viability of the yeast. If there is no foam surface or little bubbles the yeast is likely dead and should be discarded for new yeast.
  • Meanwhile, add the flour, and salt to a large mixing bowl. Once the yeast is proofed, pour in the mixture and vigorously mix the dough with your hands until no dry flour remains in the bowl and a cohesive mass forms, about 2 minutes. The dough will be very sticky. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.
    • Note: Resting will allow the flour to start hydrating all on its own, and make the dough a little bit easier to work with when we start stretching and folding

Bulk Ferment (1st Ferment) + Stretch & Folds – 8:25 to 9:55 AM

  • Once rested, perform a stretch and fold by grabbing a corner of the dough in the bowl, lift straight up to stretch the dough as high as it will go without tearing and fold over to the other side. Rotate the bowl and perform three more reps of stretch and folds. Once folded, turn the dough over onto itself, cover, and let rest another 25-30 minutes. This is one set of a stretch and fold, perform 3 more sets with 25-30 minutes rest in between.
  • For each stretch and fold set, the dough should feel more elastic and stretch further without tearing with some air bubbles present
    • Note: The stretch and fold method is better suited than kneading for a high hydration dough such as this because the dough is naturally sticky and this method reduces hand contact. Additionally, the stretch and fold will allow for an open crumb when baked because the air isn’t pushed out of the dough.
  • After the final set of stretch and folds, test for gluten development by stretching up the dough very thin to see if it is slightly translucent before tearing.
    • Note: The gluten window test is the key to understanding if the flour has been hydrated enough. If the dough tears before getting to a slightly translucent window, let rest another 25 minutes and perform another set of stretch and folds.

Divide dough + Shape Baguettes + Proof (2nd Ferment) – 9:55 AM to 11:10 AM

  • After the last stretch and fold, sprinkle some flour on the work surface. Using a bench scraper, divide the dough into 6 equal portions (roughly 145-150 grams each). Cover the dough pieces with a clean towel and let rest for 15 minutes.
  • Once rested. Spritz baking spray (like PAM) on your hands, the work surface, and the piece of dough.
  • Using your fingertips lightly press and stretch and piece of dough into a rectangle about 6 inches wide. Fold the top edge of the dough down to the center, pressing lightly to tighten the dough and form an edge. Fold the dough in half to form a seam at the bottom of the dough. Using the heel of your hand, lightly press to seal the seam of the dough. Now you should have a log of dough, seal side down. Applying even pressure with the palm of your hands in the center of the dough begin gently rolling the log out into a cylinder, about 18-20 cm long. Now place a hand on each end of the dough with harder pressure and roll the dough in the opposite direction with each and to create a tapered baguette with a twist.
    • Note: For shaping, just take a look at the video, it’s hard to explain in words lol.
  • Shape each baguette and place on a baking sheet sized piece of parchment paper. 2 pieces of parchment paper, 3 baguettes on each. Cover with a towel and let proof until about 1.5 times in size, 45-60 minutes

Oven set up – 10:55 AM to 11:10 AM

  • With 15 minutes of proofing left, preheat the oven to 230 C on the convection setting, 245 C regular. Fill a 33×23 cm baking pan halfway with water and place on the bottom rack of the oven. Place a metal baking sheet on the middle rack.
    • Note: The pan of water will help create a steamy environment for a crisper crust and the baking sheet will be preheated so the baguettes can be slid on with the parchment paper and immediately start baking for faster oven spring.

Bake – 11:10 AM to 11:35 AM

  • Using a razor or really sharp knife, score the proofed baguette with one long slash at a 45-degree angle to allow for oven spring.
  • Pull the preheated baking sheet out of the oven and slide the parchment paper with the baguettes onto it. Place the baguettes on the middle rack and spritz them with a spray bottle of water.
  • Bake for 5 minutes, rotate the pan, spritz the baguettes one more time. Continue baking for another 12-15 minutes until the crust is golden brown, crispy, and the bread sounds hollow when thumped.
  • Let cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.