How scary it looked when Isaac was moving toward New Orleans
Match Fri evening, Café Service Sat AM Strömvallen, Match Sat night…
That is our weekend out with Wilmis. Exciting football matches which always gets so tight nowadays. Match against Sundbyberg in Sundbyberg in the morn and the second game on Sunday is against Brommapojkarna in Bromma…two tough away fights for our girls.
N u c o r v i !!
Be Careful Out There
Sunkans links
Wednesday Picture
Thunderstorms = football game ban
Järfälla Alpina
snart är vintern här igen..
And, then we were hit with the boot Järfälla Alpina idag vid Bruket, Görveln. Lots of kids and parents who gathered little information, and the first snow-free workout. Unfortunately, we do not share tränignskläder but we stayed and watched trämningen and it seems that there are great people, good leader and very “go” the allihopa. It will surely be fun. Will smth to be, now that it's football practice Mon and Wed and slalom Tues and Wed and then dancing on Sundays and of course games and contests on the weekends.
As long as Wilma think it's fun, I think it's fun. Will be exciting and see what this with skiing will give. Already looking forward to the trip around lucia Björnrike.
Be Careful Out There
Wilmas bullar
Women should not run before 35 year
Bo Bunny dribbling…with beach ball
Zläng up the wall Zlatan, här kommer Bosse Halmgren
The end of the movie, I got cut off because of “adult content” 🙂
Can I borrow your wife tonight?
the world's best text…listen to text…that ngn have written is just absolutely amazing….en timme eller två ,en
I just wanna sleep tonight again…in your tender arms
Totally unbelievable, awesome performance at Ullevi, Gothenburg summer 2012…
Listen to this song.. look at the 65 000 in the crowd giving their respect…need I say more…