Snake in sight … again

The other day “powerwalkade” I and the best MDa (neighbor, or second-farm neighbor in all cases).
Then came this up on the sidewalk, the largest snake I have ever seen live…I think in all cases. Fattest toad he had caught. Zoom in on image, bit läbbigt was.
MDa took the picture, threw a small, small stick on the snake so it let go of the toad and meandered away. The toad was alive but did not stain. Full molded with huggormsmgift….and no horse blood we had on us so we could provide the antidote nor. Was maybe some food for magpies…and then he came back, grandfather viper. It felt just like he would not mess swallowing this incredibly big fat toad. He had hubris, we believe, MDa and I.


So I was out powerwalkade again yesterday along the golf course in the forest on a path and then grandmother came viper slingrandes next to me, However, away from me. Not fun…However, without a toad in her mouth. Are you going out and pick mushrooms in the woods right now, fat rubber boots on you at now it is almost as “snakes on a plane” with us.

Be Careful Out There

Kabanoss stew will be cooked tonight

By request of the family cooked a wonderful kabanossgryta tonight. A recipe can be in the skull. I will add some pictures of kabanoss stew later tonight.

Wilma's friend and Wilma took a classics to lurre, stowed mack caps and sausage.





The morn it will be Wall Berge to the freezer.

Be Careful Out There

Research, Basmati rice, cooked in a simple manner. A large cup, typ thekopp, with rice into the pot, two equal-sized cups of boiling water over everything. A little salt and drizzle olive oil over everything. Boil over 10 mine.


Excel King the tricks of the presentations

Several tips Excel King. This time in the form of a newsletter with a bit of beauty advice.

You have suttit x number of hours with your Excel report… and soon it shall be distributed to all your colleagues. Furthermore, you have triple checked all the numbers and formulas so that all values ​​are correct. But you also have triple checked HOW figures presented?

Does your Excel file get maximum impact?
In my daily work I have encountered many Excel files that I only barely been able to make me as the presentation itself has been heavily opedagogisk. Immunologic arrays, heavily over-worked format and colors… I simply have not been able to make me content in a quickly and intuitive means.
Early on I realized that the presentation of an Excel file in principle is as important as the content itself. And that the goal of an Excel file that is distributed reasonablymust be it to get as large an impact as possible.
Having said this, I want to of course add that good content is a prerequisiteto it at all should be relevant to send an Excel file.
Men, if the presentation is poor so is the risk that the recipient does not come to terms with the content, no matter how relevant and interesting your numbers are. The result is thus that our Excel file did not get the maximum effect we desired.
It may be difficult to optimize the presentation of Excel. First, it's about trying to give the document a logical structure. Firstly, you have to realize that all recipients are unique. Below I describe two basic rules I myself always working behind in the distribution of Excel Files.
1. The most important content first
Put the most important information / table at the top left, and preferably on the first (vänstersta) tab. Studies show that we first looking on the upper left corner of the screen. Add hence the information to the right so that The key is in the reader's eye-catcher. Internet marketing is working a lot with the structure and how the visitor will accept the contents of the screen.
2. Simple and consistent format
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to color and shape. So you have to find a “lowest common denominator”. Furthermore, it is important to be consistent in the use of format. Otherwise impedes us for the recipient to understand the content.

Consider receiver before you send your Excel file!

It can be difficult to design workbooks that will be distributed, and also there is obviously no right or wrong. But if you continually have the receiver in focus, then I believe you will pretty much.

Excel King is really Excel King…

Now comes the decathlon dudes in to the olympics

Now comes the heavy guys in ,according to me, in to the Olympic Games. 10-Decathlon men are e heavyweights in the Olympics. They are the best, almost Swedish record in all branches. Ergot 10 s on 100 meters is not bad. Shit, they are so fast. What athletes these guys are, just fantastic. We who have been in to sports knows what it takes to performa at the elite level for just one sport…one singel sport. Imagine doing 10 sports and training techniques for all these, I am impressed.

Now the 5 000 m runners are running the qualifiqation runs. The same distance as my power walks though these boys are a bit faster than me…though only slightly :-).
Today I'm power waling with power-walking-sticks.

Be Careful Out There

Fresh bread…

…I would have baked today, but the yeast was over, and no leaven environment, I have left either (ran out of 1,5 years ago). Must set a new “Environment” this August, so I've come to the beautiful autumn baguettes.
It became, on the recommendation of our dear neighbors, Spanga stamina instead.
4 various rolls of 20 dollars seems like a good deal.
Nah have to get adjusted to a bread that is easy to bake. Must work out at the SMB again in Carina, she's cruelest baker and makes the most delicious buns, with vanilla ice cream, that somebody has been baked in the world.

Now the freshly brewed coffee, juice, porridge and freshly baked bread for a bit OS then a nice power walk, which I will try to extend this time to 7 or 8 km.

Be Careful Out There

Bake cinnamon rolls today

No, now I'll try to bake some cinnamon buns…I thought…
It was a while ago. Was inspired by Leila's recept on her blog.
Have driven the dough in the machine in 20 min so that the machine jumps out of joint.
Luckily Mr. Grim was here and helped to fix it.

Soon time to make the buns for the next fermentation before it's time to drive them into the oven. Exciting to see how they get. Will be back with results.

Be Careful Out There!


My Wedding Speech

Beep, Beep, Bittie Beep

Telegrams arrived:
“Hope both of you, Karin and Henrik, have an incredibly wonderful day with much laughter and many wonderful memories. We think of you lots this special day.
Lots of hugs from Wilma, Eva, Thomas and our little Bosse”

Dear newlyweds …beloved sister…
I would first like to congratulate you both on your continued JOURNEY through life. I'm sure it will go really well considering the love that you both have for each other and always have done so openly .

Many journies has it been for both of you guys…both with and without children. Some of these I remember especially because they have influenced me in one way or another in my own personal life.

The first was your journey to Norway to study. For the first time in my life I was without my “my big sister” which has always been there when I needed you. One actually tougher time for me personally than I ever have admitted….pause…but…this journey gave you so much Karin, and, it was the start of your “adult life” far from home.
It was good for you…on the journey
You got an awesome education, two wonderful children, and finally you met you Henrik.
…So i am not bitter for the journey…nä jag är inte bitter

Other big journeys that influenced me a lot as “little brother” was my own journey in 5 year to the U.S.A.. for studies and tennis player.
Far, far away from loved ones…and very long away from you…again…pause.

One of my goals that I set for myself in the U.S., I obviously failed, was to to to be as fantastic in my school work that you have always been. I failed…pause…I could not get straigt A `s how much I buttered my teachers when academic technology did not work as it should. I came close to…but never to your level.
But I'm not bitter because of this…no, jag är inte bitter

The third major journey for those that affected me was when you and Henrik decided you to move to Sweden.
I remember all the things you brought to Sweden, boxes, the snow blizzard…without bulbs in the house.
on the way out to you I get a call “Anders, it's pitch black here, you have to buy light bulbs, we can not see anything, visibility zero” These were purchased at Värmdö Centre on the way out that night. CW and Hanna playing hide and seek among moving boxes in your new fantastic home.
Remember very well that it felt good inside…so nice after about 10 over a year now, we lived in the same country, same city only 5 mil from each. Though we do not often meet, I know that you are nearby and not far from me if I need you.

You, Henrik and your / my beloved children…pause…they, C.W and Hanna (before I got Wilma) has felt like my own children many times and still do.
When you went to Chicago on some medical conference I had the opportunity to practice being a father for one week. It was rather stressfully…so stressfully that C.W went away with a “Light orange” one morning instead of fruit to mellis. But I really enjoyed to be with them, to care for them…
The entire living room ended up being a hut where I was telling stories to them at night before it was time to go to bed.

Beep, Beep, Bittie Beep

More Telegram has arrived:

“Now it's over with whip and leather, I wish I were the bride's clothes / Jonas Gardell

“Ride this night” / Wilhelm Moberg

“Congratulations to the groom, congratulations bride. Wanted to come but was not invited / The King

“If love lives but the money runs out…do as I did: tape, pasting and cut out
/ Sigvard Marjasin

Several journies has it been, for you and Henrik, become in any way has also been shared with me…though I have not been present.
The one I am thinking mainly of is the journey to Australia…The Great Barrier Reef, WhitSundays Islands, Hamillton Island, Hayman Isaland.
There, I certainly, know that you all had “the time of your life”…more beautiful place…except Havstoviken, our childhood beach and The nails…does not exist on this earth, right?…
WhitSundays…No, I was not bitter, I, no :-)… I could close my eyes and thus see and almost feel what your family experienced….and…I was jealous because I wanted to get back there myself.

The fourth and last major journey was the Doha, Qatar. It turned out that you were going to move there…one, two or three years…time will tell. Because of this trip, you had, close to a year ago, a wedding…half-surreptitiously…for the sake of travel requirements… to the Muslim country of Qatar. It is, therefore, or at least a big reason why we all sit here today and celebrate both of you, Karin and Henrik.

I am proud of you and Karin glad that you Henrik will have the honor to marry my beloved sister.

Before I give a toast to the bride and groom, I give you Henrik a single advice…pause…
The only advice that I think you should follow…pause…
“If she ever is uncooperative, even resentful at some point, or stubborn as his father…HIT YOUR FIST ON THE TABLE!…and do exactly as she says


Your little brother

OLYMPIC GOOOOOLD and Bolt almost faster than Bosse

And, What can you say
The first gold since 2004 !!!
Sailing rules…suddenly it rules .. but..

It's impossible to get from Bolt huge race tonight.
Among the worst we have seen…3 man under 9.8…..9.8, crazy.
9,63 is also the second fastest race of all time.

The eleven fastest races of all time:
7,01: Bosses, Because, Bosseman, Bumerang Halmgren (rabbit in Skälby)
9,58: Usain Bolt, Jamaica.
9,63: Bolt.
9,69: Bolt, Tyson Gay, USA.
9,71: Gay.
9,72: Bolt, Asafa Powell, Jamaica.
9,74: Powell.
9,75: Yohan Blake, Jamaica (twice).
9,76: Bolt (three times).
9,77: Powell (4), Gay (2), Bolt.
9,78: Powell (2), Gay, Nesta Carter, Jamaica.
9.79: Gay (2), Bolt (2), Maurice Greene, USA.
Source: International Association of Athletics Federations. (TT)