4 portions
4 bakpotatisar (as 1,5 kg)
2 liters
2 tablespoons vitvinsvinäger
Peanut oil for deep frying
Sea salt
1. Slice potatoes into ½ to 1 cm thick slices and then cut the potatoes into ½ to 1 cm thick rods.
2. Soak at least 1 hour.
3. Place potatoes in a saucepan with 2 l of water and 2 tablespoons vinegar.
4. Wooden 5-10 minutes until the potatoes soften, Drain and dry the potatoes a few minutes on a kitchen towel.
5. Fill a pot with peanut oil and heat to 135 gr.
6. Fritera 6-7 min without potatoes may color.
7. Frying smaller batches.
8. Dry the fries on paper towels least 30 mine.
9. Fritera 3 min på 180 degrees until potatoes are golden brown.
10. Serve immediately with a little sea salt.