

1 l milk

50g melted butter

2 pkg and St.

1 msk salt

2 tablespoons anise

2 tablespoons crushed fennel

½ bottle (325g) light bread syrup

1,25 the (750g)flour

1,25 (700-750g)rye sieve

Do this:

Melt the butter and mix in the milk, heat to 37º.

Dissolve the yeast in the dough liquid.

Pour in the syrup, bread spices, salt and most of the flour in the dough liquid and run in a baking machine in 5-10 mine, check that the dough begins to drop the edge of the dough bowl.

Let the dough rise 30 mine.

Bake out into round cakes approx: 2 thick, use a regular rolling pin and then a rolling pin,

Post 2 pcs bread cakes on each plate lined with parchment paper.

Blir ca:36-40 st cakes

Let ferment on a plate 10 mine.

Bake in the middle of the oven for approx: 3-4 min i 275º, the cakes should be light brown.

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